Spinach Balls

Recipe of the Week: Spinach Balls

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Our recipe of the week is Spinach Balls. This comes from the website, sweetashoney.co. See the link below.

Spinach Balls

These spinach balls are a very popular appetizer for the upcoming holidays or anytime really. They are small cheesy balls filled with grated cheese, eggs and spinach. They are sure to be a hit, so you might want to just double the recipe to start off.

You can serve them plain or with any number of dipping sauces including; Marinara sauce, avocado dip or salsa. They are quite versatile.

Ingredients for Spinach Balls

Makes about 22 balls

6 Cups Fresh Spinach Leaves, washed. (Makes about 2/3 cups packed, cooked spinach)

3 Large Beaten Eggs

½ Cup Grated Mozzarella

¼ Cup Chopped Parsley

1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Cup Panko Crumbs 

Directions for Spinach Balls

1) Preheat Oven to 370 Degrees F

2) Trim and wash spinach

3) Place spinach in large mixing bowl and cover with boiling water. Cover bowl with a lid and set aside for 3 minutes.

4) Rinse the spinach with cold tap water. Drain and squeeze remaining water out with your hands. You should yield about 2/3 cup of packed spinach.

5) Place spinach on chopping board and finely chop. Transfer to mixing bowl.

6) Add remaining ingredients and combine with a spoon until you get a batter that can be formed into balls. (if too moist add more panko crumbs)

7) Roll into balls.

8) Place balls on non-stick cookie sheet, covered with parchment paper leaving about an inch between balls.

9) Bake at 370 degrees for about 20-30 minutes until golden on top.

10) Serve immediately or store in an airtight container for later.

For more healthy recipes like this check out our other blog posts at: www.bodyforcefitness247.com/blog/

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