Easy Blackened Shrimp

Recipe of the week: Easy Blackened Shrimp

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Our recipe of the week is Easy blackened Shrimp. This comes from the website, allrecipes.com. See the link below.


Easy Blackened Shrimp

It doesn’t get much easier than this recipe. Only 4 ingredients and it’s ready in about 7 minutes.

This recipe is very versatile. You can eat the shrimp right out of the pan dipped in garlic brown butter or cocktail sauce.  If you want to make a meal out of it, add a side of rice and some fresh steamed vegetables.

This recipe is great for a busy night or as a meal prep dish. There are so many optional ways to serve these little flavor-blasted shrimp.

Give this recipe a try this weekend.


Ingredients for Easy Blackened Shrimp

Makes about 2 Servings

12 ounces raw shrimp (26 to 30 count) peeled and deveined

1 teaspoon Cajun blackened seasoning, or to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon unsalted butter


Directions for Easy Blackened Shrimp

1) Place shrimp in a bowl.

2) Season with the Cajun blackened seasoning

3) Heat olive oil and butter in a skillet over medium-high heat.

4) Cook shrimp until opaque, about 1 minute per side

5) Serve with garlic brown butter or cocktail sauce


Nutritional Information:

243.5 calories; protein 27.6g; carbohydrates 0.6g; fat 14g; cholesterol 270.7mg; sodium 531.4mg.



For more healthy recipes like this check out our other blog posts at: www.bodyforcefitness247.com/blog/

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